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Smile Without Missing a Day with Immediate Dentures in Penticton

Considering immediate dentures in Penticton or the surrounding regions of South Okanagan? A smile is the most important feature on the face. Anyone missing a few teeth or having natural teeth extracted would wish to replace them immediately. At Apex Denture Centre Inc., our denturist can fabricate artificial teeth to immediately replace your lost teeth following dental extraction.


Immediate or surgical dentures do away with the waiting period required to let the extraction site heal completely before getting your permanent denture set made. This type of denture is quite popular as it is a quick solution and allows the wearer to maintain a normal appearance and chewing ability. You can count on our denturist for both complete and partial immediate dentures. Get started by booking a free initial consultation with our experienced denturist.

Advantages of Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures act as an interim solution until you have your conventional dentures ready. They immediately complete your smile, which was missing teeth after extraction. Having immediate dentures not only helps maintain the appearance of your smile but also stops bleeding after the surgery. The appliance also covers the extraction sockets and keeps food particles from slipping into them. Sometimes, patients also feel uncomfortable with the idea of wearing dentures. Immediate dentures allow them to easily get used to the artificial teeth, preparing them for a more permanent solution.

Disadvantages of Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures are not a permanent solution, which also means that achieving a precise fit is difficult. Since your dentures are fitted and fabricated before the extraction procedure, the denturist is unable to get the exact shape of your gum line. Jaw and bone structure can become a hindrance in giving your dentures the aesthetic you desire. The process of healing after tooth extraction also causes your gums to shrink, making your immediate dentures become loose-fitting. For this reason, your dentures need a reline sooner than a permanent denture would.


Get Immediate Dentures

We offer both complete dentures and partial dentures to replace your missing teeth after dental extraction.

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